John Howard Society of Peterborough

Partner Assault Response Program

The John Howard Society of Peterborough provides the Partner Assualt Response Program (PAR) in Peterborough and Bancroft.  

The Partner Assault Response (PAR) Program is a 12-session Court initiative  program to give individuals the opportunity to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards intimate partner violence, power and control and to learn non-abusive ways of resolving conflict.

Program eligibility requires that PAR is added as a condition of bail, undertaking of recognizance or 810 Peace Bond. It can also be a part of a probation order.

There are fees for PAR based on a sliding scale.

1:1 PAR sessions are available at a set hourly rate.

We support victim safety through confidential outreach to victims who have been abused. While an individual is enrolled in the PAR program, the Partner Support Worker will contact the past and/or current partner of the PAR participant to offer support, information, and referrals.

To find out more or to register call/text  Zaid at (705) 933-4358  or


Partner Support Worker contact: