John Howard Society of Kawartha Lakes & Haliburton

Crisis and Harm Reduction Programs

Harm Reduction Counselling & Health Outreach

MAP Harm Reduction Counselling
JHS staff will provide one to one harm reduction psychoeducational facilitation to clients who are living with
substance use concerns. Referrals to other community agencies will also take place. Peer Support Groups and
Family Support Groups are also provided.

Health Outreach
JHS staff from the harm reduction team will attend with clients to medical appointments in a hospital or
doctors office capacity. Assistance with connecting with doctors, counsellors, community agencies to make
appointments. Advocacy when attending appointments with clients.

Anyone can access this program in person at:
Lindsay location – 22 Peel Street (back door)
Minden location – 14 IGA Road

For more information on this program contact:

Natasha James
MAP – Harm Reduction & Crisis Coordinator
Phone: 705-340-0228

Cathleen Meenan
MAP – Harm Reduction & Crisis Counsellor/Facilitator
Phone: 705-340-8486

Robbin Savage
Director of Risk Management
Phone: 705-340-0897