John Howard Society of Peterborough

Restorative Justice and Conflict Mediation

We are particularly committed to restorative approaches to teaching, discipline, and justice rooted in comprehensive Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and conflict resolution skill development across school communities. With over 25 years’ experience, we are convinced that shifting norms around conflict and violence require a critical mass of shared language, knowledge, skills, practice, policy, and spontaneous role modeling by school leaders – adults and youth.

JHS Peterborough, through the RJCM program, provides a series of workshops and trainings in local schools:

Nonviolent Communication Workshops

Focused on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and building skills around effective conflict resolution, empathic listening, self-empathy, and generating mutually respectful strategies to meet needs (vs strategies at the expense of others). This process gives students and teachers language to engage restorative principles in routine day-to-day situations.

Sidewalk Talk: Peer-Listener Training & Pop-up Listening Stations

Students are empowered to discover the art of connection and the gift of listening. These are foundational skills for peer-mediators. Listening stations are a great opportunity for students to practice important professional skills and try out offering a peer-to-peer service in their school before taking on peer mediation training.

Peer Conflict Coach & Peer Mediator Training

This NVC training equips participants with empathic listening skills and ways to address questions about mutual respect, trust, understanding, information gaps, needs, and concerns in a conflict. NVC conflict coaching and Transformative Mediation empower people to clearly express their perspective and respectfully recognize other perspectives.

For more information, please contact Marion Little, School-Based Youth Program Facilitator, at or (705) 760-2348.