John Howard Society of Sault Ste. Marie & District


Anger Management – (fee for service)

Individual sessions

Bail Verification and Supervision Programs

Pretrial assistance for accused individuals

Community Education

Presentations and promotional materials

Community Service Order

Hours performed at community agencies

Direct Accountability Program

Diversion program for adults to reduce court time while making people accountable for their actions

Discharge Planning

Assistance in prerelease planning to ensure housing and financial needs are met upon release from custody

Extra-Judicial Measures

Diversion program for youth to reduce criminal convictions while making youth accountable for their actions

Offender Treatment (fee for service)

Individual sessions for those on parole to teach healthy thinking and problem solving skills

Housing Based Intensive Case Management

This service is offered to people that are at high risk of homelessness.

Options for Change/Wellness

Social skills training in groups and individually

Options Navigator

Information and referrals in an out-reach format

Paths to Greater Success (fee for service)

Workshops offered to Employers/Employees to improve their communication skills

Record Suspensions (fee for service)

Assistance with applications

Federal Diversion (fee for service)

Provides service for clients offered federal diversion.

Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice
Training and facilitation of Restorative Practices within the community