John Howard Society of Sault Ste. Marie & District

About Us

The John Howard Society has been active in prevention services in Sault Ste. Marie since 1968. We have managed the agency with staff, volunteers and students.  Volunteers and students are trained to assist in client services and administrative functions.  Due to our mandate of dealing with the risk factors that can lead to crime, many of our services are open to all members of the community; including youth in schools, offenders, the unemployed and high-risk individuals: by virtue of housing issues, low education and no support systems. We also provide training to employers/employees to assist them in communication skills and conflict resolution in their businesses.

The best way to reduce crime and keep a community safe, is to prevent young people from dropping out of school, help families in trouble, improve the way people manage problems in life, rehabilitate offenders and keep people employed.  The John Howard Society believes our range of services help people in all of these areas.


Board of Directors

Alf Johns
Carey Thompson
Robert McMenemy
Katie Kirkham
Julie Veilleux-See
Pamela Muntean
Lorena Scagna


Our Staff

Jackie Martin – Executive Director
Marilyn Robinson
Sue Roy
Kathy Berdux
Mary McCooeye

Jessica Caldwell
Gloria Little

Arja Gallo
Sonnie Elgie
Luiz Carvalho
Julia Givens
Adam Filek
Harley Crockford
David Neville
Erdoo Ajia
Jauni-Leigh Deneault
Maureen Chukwurah
Lynn Stewart
Olubusola Onwubuya
Autumn Hay
Onyekachukwu Onwubuya
Courtney Pregent
Harmeet Kaur




The Society recognizes that maintaining confidentiality with respect to information about clients is essential to the counselling process and to professionalism in the delivery of service. The Society also recognizes that the disclosure of information is necessary at times. Disclosure of information about clients must be governed by policies defining the situations and circumstances in which disclosure is permissible.

Accordingly, the Society shall ensure that confidentiality of information about clients is maintained in the following ways:
i) All information about a client is kept confidential within the Society,
except when it has been determined that:
a) a danger to the community or to the individual exists,
b) failure to disclose the information will cause greater harm than the disclosure of the information,
c) there is a legal responsibility to disclose the information,
d) a public refutation of a statement made by, or on behalf of, a client is required to protect the integrity of the agency, or
e) the client has given permission to disclose information;

ii) Disclosure of information without the client’s permission must be authorized by the Executive Director or his/her clearly defined designate;

iii) No more information than necessary is disclosed when the above exemptions are invoked;

iv) Consent for disclosure of information may be given by a client who is twelve years or older. If the client is under the age of twelve, the consent of the client’s parent or legal guardian shall be obtained;

v) When obtaining permission from the client to disclose information, the client must be told what information will be shared, with whom and to what purpose. Consent for disclosure should be in writing unless written permission is impossible or impractical and action is required that demands disclosure of information. In such situations, verbal permission should be obtained and noted in the client file;

vi) When information is to be shared with other bodies or individuals and confidentiality is not assured by these bodies or individuals, the client must be cautioned;

vii) If information is received about a client from a third party, the third party shall be advised of the limits of confidentiality when there is reason to believe that they expect levels of confidentiality that cannot be guaranteed;

viii) No agreement with another agency, either verbal or in writing, shall restrict the application of the policy on confidentiality.


Our Strategic Plan was developed in 2022 and will see us through to 2025 and has four priorities.

1. Evolve Dynamic Programming to Meet Gaps in the Community

2. Advance Sustainable Housing and Related Supports

3. Preserve and Strengthen Community Partnerships

4. Cultivate Diversity and Capacity of Resources

Many services have flourished due to dedicated Staff, Board involvement, Volunteers and many partnerships within our community. 54 Years of service which improves each year through hard work and passion keeps us ticking. We might be small but everyone who works with us know we fill big shoes when it comes to providing service to those most in need.

Link to CRA/ T3010

View our CRA/T3010 Charitable Organization Designation