John Howard Society of Toronto

Anger Management Services

Anger Management Group Counselling

This intensive psycho-educational group program is for men who want to acquire new skills for managing and communicating their anger. Referrals are accepted to meet supervisory orders, such as bail, probation and parole. Referrals from EAP and/or employers are also accepted. Self-referrals are always welcome! This program does not address Domestic Violence interventions or treatment. All court documentation indicates this.

All groups are held in virtual meetings over Google Meet.

The next group will be held in August – September, 2024

Due to high volume, and to secure a place in line, we ask that you sign up on our waiting list below. We appreciate your patience while we work through this list.

Sign Up for the Waiting List

Every Wednesday from 5-7 PM. Six weeks, two hours each for a total of 12 hours of Anger Management. Cost is determined by income.

In order to receive a certificate of completion, you are required to attend all six sessions. The payment schedule is determined by income but all fees must be paid in full by the end of the group in order to receive a Certificate of Completion for the program. The total cost for this program is $220.00 if on assistance a support letter can be written. There are no refunds on these payments.

Contact: Sarah James by email at or call 647-970-2100.


What is the Difference?: Anger Management vs Domestic Violence Counselling