John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District

Bail Verification and Supervision Program

The Bail Verification and Supervision Program serves men and women aged 16 or older who are accused of criminal offenses and who are not deemed to be a threat to the community that qualify for bail, but do not have the finances or social ties to meet bail conditions. The Bail Program serves two principles upon which our democratic Justice system is based: the presumption of innocence before conviction and the fair equitable treatment of all people regardless of social and economic background.

The program aims to reduce the high numbers of people remanded into correctional facilities while awaiting trial. The services are delivered in partnership with local social service providers to address the non-criminal issues facing the accused such as addiction, mental and physical health, homelessness and unemployment.  The program provides access to residential services for program eligible individuals that are experiencing social or economic barriers to safe and secure housing.

Please forward all BVSP referrals to