John Howard Society of Sudbury


We STOP Crime Now ! TM through the multitude of programs and services that we offer to the community.  You can help us to STOP Crime Now ! TM through your donation to the John Howard Society of Sudbury.  All funds raised are used to deliver our programs and services in the Sudbury and North Bay communities.   STOP Crime Now ! TM is a registered trademark of the John Howard Society of Sudbury.   We sincerely thank all of our funders and donors.  Here are some of our major financial supporters:

J.C. MacIssac Foundation
Bay Used Books
Ministry of Attorney General
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Ministry of the Solicitor General
United Way/Centraide North East Ontario
Delta Bingo and Gaming
City of Greater Sudbury
Many Individual donors
Public Safety Canada

Vianet is a proud supporter of the John Howard Society and the great work that we do all across Ontario to provide effective, just, and humane responses to crime and its causes. Vianet supports and helps in creating safer communities and to STOP Crime Now!