John Howard Society of Ottawa

Community Reintegration

Crisis Intervention

The purpose of this program is to establish contact with ex-offenders at various stages of re-integration, or those in conflict with the law, as well as any members of the community who find themselves in a crisis situation or who are interested in correcting thinking and behaviours that put them at risk. The program will assist them to address financial, housing, treatment, and employment needs; and to provide advocacy and support in crisis situations through referral and follow-up with social services, shelters, landlords, employment and training programs, and treatment resources. This program also provides in-reach to the Ottawa Mental Health Court, including assessments and referrals, anger and addiction programming, and case-management services.

Eligibility: Men and women who are experiencing a crisis (mental health, housing, finances, employment, addictions, etc.)

Contact: Cookie Dietrichson

Phone: (613) 789-7418 ext. 222

Funding: United Way Ottawa

Aggression Prevention Program

The JHS Aggression Prevention program is a five-session program that assists adult, male participants to explore the causes of their aggressive behavior, and to identify and challenge the underlying beliefs and thinking patterns that lead to aggression. This program runs approximately six-eight times per year. Please note that this program is not suitable for individuals who are currently dealing with court matters regarding Domestic violence charges.

Eligibility: Adult Male Participants

Referral source: Lawyers, Probation officers, Judges, Self- Referral, and anyone in the community, as well as community organizations such as ( ODSP, CMHA, and Ontario Works)

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00–2:00 pm for most of the sessions. Times may Varey please contact program facilitator for exact dates and times.

Contact: Hibo Mohamed

Phone: (613) 789-7418 ext. 237

Reporting Centre

The JHS Reporting Centre opened November 15th, 2009 at the Tom Lamothe Apartment Building located in Centre Town. The Reporting Centre is a program for Federal clients on conditional release. The purpose of the Reporting Centre is to complement the work of the Ottawa Parole Officers by providing additional supports and supervision to high risk/high need individuals who do not have a residency condition, but still present a management risk in the community. The Reporting Centre offers increased supervision, particularly during the evening and week-ends, as well as case management services to support correctional plan compliance.

Eligibility: Parole client on statutory release

For more information, please contact:

Tristan Hadley, Reporting Centre Case Worker

Funding: Correctional Service of Canada