Research Reports

Cover of Closed Quarters report with blue background and thin white squares

Closed Quarters

February 26, 2019
Closed quarters: Challenges and opportunities in stabilizing housing and mental health across the justice sector is a report by the
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Cover of reintegration in ontario with a pathway with different points

Reintegration in Ontario

November 2, 2016
Reintegration in Ontario: Practices, Priorities, and Effective Models, a Report released on behalf of the Association for Effective Reintegration in
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Cover of fractured care report with a faint red cracked cross

Fractured Care

April 18, 2016
Fractured Care: Public Health Opportunities in Ontario’s Correctional Institutions highlights research that shows that incarcerated populations have significantly higher rates
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Cover of unlocking change report with a person standing inside a keyhole

Unlocking Change

August 18, 2015
Unlocking Change: Decriminalizing Mental Health Issues in Ontario, outlines the way mental health issues have been criminalized in recent
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