Police Resources

Welcome! Our diversion program is intended for youth (ages 12-17) who have committed a criminal offence. Police can refer youth by giving them an Extrajudicial Measure that is then directed to us. Our goal is to identify the needs of the youth and implement the support necessary to prevent future offending.


Youth Criminal Justice Act & Extrajudicial Measures


The YCJA states that the youth criminal justice system is intended to protect the public by holding youth accountable, promoting the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth back into society, and preventing crime.


Declaration of principles

  1. The following principles apply in this Part in addition to the principles set out in section 3:
  • (a) extrajudicial measures are often the most appropriate and effective way to address youth crime;
  • (b) extrajudicial measures allow for effective and timely interventions focused on correcting offending behaviour;
  • (c) extrajudicial measures are presumed to be adequate to hold a young person accountable for his or her offending behaviour if the young person has committed a non-violent offence and has not previously been found guilty of an offence; and
  • (d) extrajudicial measures should be used if they are adequate to hold a young person accountable for his or her offending behaviour and, if the use of extrajudicial measures is consistent with the principles set out in this section, nothing in this Act precludes their use in respect of a young person who
    • (i) has previously been dealt with by the use of extrajudicial measures, or
    • (ii) has previously been found guilty of an offence.


  • 6 (1) A police officer shall, before starting judicial proceedings or taking any other measures under this Act against a young person alleged to have committed an offence, consider whether it would be sufficient, having regard to the principles set out in sections 4 and 4.1, to take no further action, warn the young person, administer a caution, if a program has been established under section 7, or, with the consent of the young person, refer the young person to a program or agency in the community that may assist the young person not to commit offences.

Referral Process

For referral resources and materials, please contact Diversion@jhsptbo.com or call 705-927-1511.