JHSO in the News

Make Plans – The Howard Ball: A Night of Masquerade and Mystery – Net News Ledger
May 25, 2016 - THUNDER BAY – LIVING – The John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District is a community-based criminal justice organization that provides many different programs to individuals in need of assistance and support. They operate a Rehabilitative Residential Program with 9 units for women and 39 units for men, which 200 individuals per year access. – See more at: http://www.netnewsledger.com/2016/05/19/make-plans-howard-ball-night-masquerade-mystery/#sthash.esVh2IN4.dpuf…Read More
John Howard Society executive director and former Ticat Dave Lane dead at 65
May 25, 2016 - Dave Lane, a former player and president of the Hamilton Tiger-Cats alumni association, has died. He was 65. Lane was the longtime executive director of the John Howard Society of Hamilton Burlington and Area, an organization dedicated to providing services for members of the community who have come into conflict with the law or are at risk of doing so.…Read More
The ‘Dickensian hellscape’ of our jails – Canadian Lawyer Mag
May 16, 2016 - Imagine a jail so devoid of humanity that guards stand idly by while a pregnant woman gives birth on the cold concrete floor of her jail cell; a jail so lawless that guards can brutalize inmates and then cover up the abuse with impunity; a jail so overcrowded inmates are forced to sleep in wet shower cells; a jail so short-sighted that people presumed innocent are warehoused without access to any rehabilitative programs; a jail so horrible the inmates are literally driven insane.…Read More
Sudbury to get three new jail guards – Sudbury Star
May 3, 2016 - Sudbury will get three new jail guards and Northern Ontario 24 in total, provincial officials said Monday. In a release, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services said training for 24 new correctional officers for institutions across Northern Ontario is now underway in Sudbury.…Read More