Bail Verification and Supervision Program

January 13, 2025 -

This program, in operation since May of 2005, responds to a need identified by the provincial government to reduce the remand population at the local Detention Centre and to increase the court appearance rate. It is open to individuals 16 years of age and older who are facing outstanding charges in the Ottawa Criminal Court with minimal financial or social supports. The two main goals of the program are to increase the court appearance rate, and to ensure comprehension of court ordered conditions. In addition, individuals may be referred to other community service agencies to address additional issues such as addictions, employment, and educational upgrading. The program is delivered at four locations: The Ottawa Courthouse, JHS’ main office, Cornwall Courthouse, and JHS’ satellite office in Cornwall satellite office. Supervision appointments are scheduled until the individual’s court matters are resolved. Initially, following an assessment, clients are required to attend weekly appointments but the supervision schedule can later be adjusted. Eligibility is based on the number of prior criminal convictions for failure to comply with conditions. Bus tickets are provided to attend supervision appointments. Clients are mandated by the Court to participate in the program. This program is funded on an ongoing basis by the Ministry of the Attorney General.

John Howard Society of Ottawa: Main Office
550 Old St. Patrick Street
Ottawa, ON
K1N 5L5