Home for Good

The Home for Good Building is a project that is funded by municipal, provincial and federal governments and is the first supportive housing model established in Hastings County. This model brings together local community partners to provide housing with support services to residents of Hastings County who are homeless and/or at risk of becoming homeless.

The Home for Good program provides and connects tenants with support from many local community programs and services, such as mental health and addictions supports to ensure a successful tenancy. Each individual has a support worker available to them and staff is on-site 24/7 to ensure the building is safe and secure. The John Howard Society of Belleville and District currently has one support worker who supports four individuals in the HFG building who have previously struggled with chronic homelessness. 

For further information about our program or the HFG building, please contact Melissa Gardiner by calling 613-968-6628.