Youth Employment Pathways

septembre 26, 2024 -

JHSB has received an Ontario Labour Market Partnership (OLMP) grant to work with Youth, Employers, and Community Partners to help improve success in employment for barriered youth.

The Youth Employment Pathway project fosters collaboration between employers, youth, and service providers at all levels. Through this process, we will:
• Learn from youth what barriers exist to obtaining meaningful employment
• Learn from employers about challenges they face and best practices in hiring, training, and retaining youth
• Learn from community partners who support youth in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.
• Develop a series of powerful videos that will showcase youth with lived experience who have been successful in further education and employment.

These videos, as part of the youth training, will send a clear message of support to the youth and how they can be successful, too. This project is youth driven and youth led. Youth will be helping us to plan all aspects of the project. Our Youth Peer Mentor Program be involved in all areas including developing a series of videos targeted to youth. Youth who are involved will:

Receive training or support to help youth become employment ready or obtain a job.
Hear from and learn from employees about the important skills, attributes and behaviours that will help youth find and maintain jobs
Provide feedback to employers on what types of support would be beneficial
Employers will help inform and plan our project. Employers will benefit by:o Helping us to inform community partners, youth, and the advisory committee the areas where youth/employees can improve to have better outcomes in the workforce. This will help us to better support the youth. Discussions with and learning effective practices from other employers who have found success hiring and retaining employees including barriered youth. Community Service Partners will help plan and implement our project. Community Service Providers will benefit by:

Helping more barriered youth to navigate & engage in existing community services that provide training or supports
Participating in discussions with and learn effective practices from other community partners and employers who have found success in assisting youth to find & maintain employment
Our Employment Pathway team will connect youth with lived experience with employers to help problem solve, develop resources and positive connections. Through this process, we will develop a series of powerful videos that will showcase youth with lived experience who have been successful in further education and employment. These videos, as part of the youth training, will send a clear message of support to the youth and how they can be successful, too.

John Howard Society of Belleville: Belleville Youth Centre
19-21 Wallbridge Crescent
Belleville, ON
K8P 1Z3

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